The Texas Hill Country is home to great forests of southern live oak (Quercus virginiana) which produce an abundance of sweet, oily acorns each year. Although acorns have fed more humans than any other food throughout our history, today, many believe them to be inedible. This workshop brings to light that not only are acorns edible, they can be made into delicious creations and done so efficiently.
Foraging for our own food is an invigorating and nourishing activity that brings families and communities together while drawing our awareness more deeply into our natural environment as we follow the cycles of nature. And it’s fun!
Workshop Content:
In this 2-day workshop, we’ll begin with a discussion of oaks and acorns on Friday evening, then go out for some foraging in the field Saturday morning. Here is where the magic happens. After gathering some acorns we’ll delve into the process of creating our own food from what we’ve gathered, rendering the acorns into an entirely edible and delicious flour. All participants will receive hands-on instruction and experience turning acorns into nutritious, edible flour. We'll wrap up the day with an acorn feast including acorn burgers (vegetarian and meat-based), acorn gnocchi, acorn biscuits, & acorn cookies! There may be some additional foraged delicacies in there as well!
Read more about the Age of Acorns in Indian Country Today.
What you Need to Know:
All participants should bring water to drink, a packed lunch for Saturday, bags, baskets, or buckets for gathering acorns, comfortable footwear, and appropriate attire for the weather. Information handouts be will available, however, you are welcome to bring a notebook and camera.
Friday night talk with be held at the American Botanical Council annex at 6200 Manor Rd. in Austin. The talk begins at 6p.
Saturday's class will be held at Hamilton Twelve Venue near Bee Cave, TX.
All pertinent details for the workshop will be sent upon registration.