Virtual Plant Walk - Mojave Desert
near Las Vegas, NV
with herbalist, John Slattery
Monday, August 10, 2020
Live via Zoom
Class fee: $15
Early bird Price: $10 (ends July 27)
Learning about the plants that naturally occur around us as food or medicine is part of an ancient pathway. Like many other ancient practices, it has become new again. Fortunately, this practice is a way back to our true selves, one which promotes insights, knowledge and care of self, and enlivens within us integrity and compassion.
Join John for this private virtual walk through the unique Mojave desert habitat near Las Vegas, NV to explore the rich and diverse flora that awaits us. Even through digital media, you can develop and deepen your skills for learning from and working with wild plants for food and medicine. Simply follow along, listen, take notes, and ask questions as we go. It’s almost as good as being there yourself!
Bioregional herbalism involves deep connection through continued observation. Follow along as John takes us for a walk into the wilderness where the world unfolds before and the lessons are revealed.
It’s not just about learning the facts of the natural world around you - it’s about relationship. Taking the time to observe, listen, and contemplate, learning grows from a natural fountain of inspiration. Learning to embrace this practice is a way of coming home.
Deep connection through continued observation is the foundation for becoming a bioregional herbalist. Knowledge is derived from experience, and wisdom through continued practice and observation of Nature (people, place, and plants). Learning about the plants found naturally occurring around us, in their natural habitat, begins to deepen our relationship to place. Little by little, patterns begin to emerge which inform us as to how we can use plants for medicine.
On this plant walk we’ll discuss a number of plants, some of which may include…
*Yerba Santa (Eriodictyon angustifolia)
*Red Root (Ceanothus greggii)
*Turpentine Bush (Ericameria linearifolia)
*Cholla (Cylindropuntia species)
*Mormon tea (Ephedra species)
*Prickly Pear (Opuntia species)
…and more!
John will be covering plant identification, ethical wildharvesting practices (timing, plant parts, processing techniques, etc), herbal medicine making, plant energetics, and clinical applications (how we apply the plant remedies to illnesses and disease states).
There will also be time allowed for Q&A on the content of John’s talk.
*Participation in the LIVE event requires internet access and a Zoom account. Each participant will receive a link to download the recorded session which will be available for download from Zoom for at least 7 days after the meeting.
**NOTE: LIVE event requires a class minimum. If below the minimum, the class will be recorded and a link to view and download the video sent in lieu of the LIVE event.